In 2023, Lumo Company embarked on an innovative research initiative titled "Exploring Global Digital Infrastructures and NewBusiness Models for Contemporary Performance." The project was executed in collaboration with University of Nottingham and funded by The Nordic Culture Fund’s Globus programme.
Delving into the realms of diverse international landscapes, the project aimed to evaluate the potential of digital business models and new markets, including NFTs, online screenings, and virtual reality performances. Project partners included Jacksons Lane in London, UK, Circomedia in Bristol, UK, and Sansusi in Valmera, Latvia.
To augment the project's scope and impact, additional funding was secured from XR Network+ to develop a prototype for digital live performances, blending elements of contemporary circus, classical music, and cutting-edge eXtended Reality (XR) technologies. For more details on this endeavour, please visit:
The findings and insights accrued throughout the 18-month research endeavour will be presented in the forthcoming final report, scheduled for publication on this page in Spring 2024. The report will provide a thorough examination of the future trajectory of digital performance and its consequential implications on contemporary artistic spheres.